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CX Architectural Design
Performance constraints
The scheduling mechanisms must be general, subject to the constraint that scheduling operations are of low time complexity: O(1) in the number of tasks and producers. The system must be scalable, high-performance, and tolerate any single component failure. Failure of compute producers must be transparent to the progress of the computation. Recovering from a failed server must require no human intervention and complete in a few seconds. After a server failure, restoring the system's ability to tolerate another server failure requires no human intervention, and completes in around one minute.

Basic Entities
Consumer (C): a process seeking computing resources.
Producer(P): a process offering computing resources. It is wrapped in a screensaver or Unix daemon, depending on its hosting operating system.
Task Server (S): a process that coordinates task distribution among a set of producers. Servers decouple communication: consumers and producers do not need to know each other or be active at the same time.

Figure 1: The "uses service" relation among Producers, Consumers, TaskServers and the ProductionNetwork service.

Producer Network (N): A robust network of task servers and their associated producers, which negotiates as a single entity with consumers. Networks solve the dynamic discovery problem between active consumers and available producers.  Task servers and production networks are Jini services. Fig.1 illustrates the "uses service" relationship among these Jini services and clients. Technological trends imply that network computation must decompose into tasks of sufficient computational complexity to hide communication latency: CX thus is not suitable for computations with short-latency feedback loops. Also, we must avoid human operations (e.g., a system requiring a human to restart a crashed server). They are too slow, too expensive, and unreliable.

Why use Java?
Because computation time is becoming less expensive and labor is becoming more expensive, it makes sense to use a virtual machine (VM). Each computational "cell" in the global computer speaks the same language. One might argue that increased complexity associated with generating and distributing binaries for each machine type and OS is an up-front, one-time cost, whereas the increased runtime of a virtual machine is for the entire computation, every time it executes. JITs tend to negate this argument. For some applications, machine and OS dependent binaries make sense. The cost derivatives (human vs. computation) suggest that the percentage of such applications is declining with time. Of the possible VMs, it also makes sense to leverage the industrial strength Java VM and its just-in-time (JIT) compiler technology, which continues to improve. The increase in programmer productivity from Java technology justifies its use. Finally, many programmers like to program in Java, a feature that should be elevated to the set of fundamental considerations, given the economics of software development.
There are a few relevant design principles that we adhere to. The first principle concerns scalability: System components consume resources (e.g., bandwidth and memory) at a rate that must be independent of the number of system components, consumers, jobs, and tasks. Any component that violates this principle will become a bottleneck when the number of components gets sufficiently large. Secondly, prefetch tasks in order to hide communication latency. This implies multithreaded Producers and TaskServers. Finally, batch objects to be communicated, when possible. There also is a requirement that is needed to achieve high performance. To focus producers on job completion, producer networks must complete their consumer's job before becoming "free agents" again. The design of the computational part of the system is brie elaborated in two steps:
1) the isolated cluster: a task server with its associated producers, and
2) a producer network (of clusters). The producer network is used to make the design scale and be fault tolerant.

The isolated cluster
An isolated cluster (See Fig. 2) supports the dag-structured task graph model of computation, and tolerates producer failure, both node and link.

Figure 2: A Task server and its associated set of Producers.

A consumer starts a computation by putting the "root" task of its computation into a task server. When a producer registers with a server, it downloads the server's proxy. The main proxy method repeatedly gets a task, computes it, and, when successfully completed, removes the task from the server. Since the task is not removed from the server until completion notification is given, transactions are unnecessary: A task is reassigned until some producer successfully completes it. When a producer computes a task, it either creates subtasks (or a final result) and puts them into the server, and/or computes arguments needed by successor subtasks. Putting intermediate results into the server forms a checkpoint that occurs as a natural byproduct of the computation's decomposition into subtasks. Application logic thus is cleanly separated from fault tolerance logic. Once the consumer deposits the root task into the server, it can deactivate/fail until it retrieves the final result. Fault tolerance of a task server derives from their replication provided in the network, discussed below. We now discuss task caching. Its increases performance by hiding communication latency between producers and their server. Each producer's server proxy has a task cache. Besides caching tasks, proxies copy forward arguments and tasks to the server, which maintains a list of task lists: Each task list contains tasks that have been assigned the same number of times. Tasks are ordered by dag level within each task list. When the number of tasks in a proxy's task cache falls below a watermark, it prefetches a copy of a task[s] from the server. For each task, the server maintains the names of the producers whose proxies have a copy of the task. A prefetch request returns the task with the lowest level (i.e., is earliest in the task dag) among those that have been assigned the fewest times. After the task is complete, the proxy notifies the server which removes the task from its task list and all proxy caches containing it. Although the task graph can be a dag, the spawn graph (task creation hierarchy), is a tree. Hence, there is a unique path the root task to any subtask. This path is the basis of a unique task identifier. Using this identifier, the server discards duplicate tasks. Duplicate computed arguments also are discarded. The server, in concert with its proxies, balances the task load among its producers: A task may be concurrently assigned to many producers (particularly at the end of a computation, when there are fewer tasks than producers). This reduces completion time, in the presence of aggressive task prefetching: Producers should not be idle while other possibly slower producers, have tasks in their cache. Via prefetching, when producers deplete their task cache, they "steal" tasks spawned by other producers. Each producer thus is kept supplied with tasks, regardless of differences in producer computation rates. Our design goal: producers experience no communication delay when they get tasks; there always is a cached copy of a task waiting for them (Exception: the producer just completed the last task).

The producer network of clusters
The server can service only a bounded number of producers before becoming a bottleneck.

Figure 3: A fat AVL tree.

Producer networks break this bottleneck. Each server (and proxy) retains the functionality of the isolated cluster. Additionally, servers balance the task load "concentration" among themselves via a diffusion process: Each server "pings" its immediate neighbors, conveying its task state. The neighbor server returns tasks or a task request, based on its own task state relative to the state of the pinging server. Tasks that are not ready for execution do not move via this diffusion process. Similarly, a task that has been downloaded from some server, no longer moves to other servers. However, other proxies for the server can download it. This policy facilitates task removal, upon completion. Task diffusion among servers is a \background" prefetch process: It is transparent to their proxies. One design goal: proxies endure no communication delays from their server beyond the basic request/receive latency: Each server has tasks for its proxies, provided there are more tasks in the system than servers.

We now impose a special topology, that tolerates a sequence of server failures. Servers should have the same MTBF as mission-critical commercial web servers. However, even these are not available 100% of the time. We want computation to progress without recomputation in the presence of a sequence of single server failures. To tolerate a server failure, its state (tasks and shared variables) must be recoverable. This information could be recovered from a transaction log (i.e., logging transactions against the object store, for example, using a persistent implementation of JavaSpaces). It also could be recovered if it is replicated on other servers. The first case suffers from a long recovery time, often requiring the human intervention. The second option can be fully automatic and faster at the cost of increased design complexity. We enhance the design via replication of task state, by organizing the server network as a fat AVL tree (see Fig. 3) We can define such a tree operationally:

  • start with a AVL tree;
  • add edges so that each node is adjacent to its parent's siblings (of the AVL tree);
  • add another "root" with edges to all children of the AVL tree's root.
Each server has a mirror group: its siblings in the fat AVL tree (sibling links, not shown in Fig. 3, thus are used as well). Every state change to a server is mirrored: An server's task state is updated if and only if its sibling's task states are identically updated. When the task state update transaction fails:
  • The failed node (f-node) is identified by a neighboring node (a-node)
  • The neighboring node reports the failure to the root
  • The root finds as a replacement for the failed node the last inserted node (l-node)
  • l-node is notified to occupy the position of f-node
During this process all the computations at the involved nodes are halted, to resume only after the new connections have been established completely and all mirroring/topology information has been updated successfully.  Even though it's a pretty complicated process, the number of steps is fixed, hence the complexity of automatically reconfiguring the network after a server failure is O(1). When a new server joins a network, it is placed similarly: The algorithm essentially is a modified version of node insertion in a height-balanced tree. Due to space limitations, a discussion of various network self-organizing optimizations is omitted. This design scales in the sense that each server is connected to bounded number of servers, independent of the total number of servers: Port consumption is bounded. The diameter of the network (the maximum distance between any task and producer) is less than 2 log n. Most importantly, the network repairs itself: the above properties hold after the failure of a server. Hence, the network can recover from a sequence of such failures.


For questions and comments about CX project:cappelo@cs.ucsb.edu 
For questions and comments about this site:mourlouk@cs.ucsb.com
site last updated: 01/09/2000.