The action items of the meeting:
(1) Hong will continue his focus on the implementation of the proxy module.
(2) Aziz will continue his focus on the implementation of the server module.
Estimated completion time: 2 weeks, after that, there will be some integration work.
(3) Aziz will extend the project working plan draft when more details become clear.
(4) Aziz will establish a Web page dedicated for Sorrento. Hong will also contribute on that.
(5) Tao will send out a set of benchmarks that may be used for Sorrento evaluation. Sezgin may contribute a distributed hash table application, Lingkun may contribute a parallel protein sequence matching program. However, bear in mind that the design of benchmark should take advantage of the virtualization feature of Sorrento and seek to minimize management effort while the set of cluster nodes change. (Questions you may want to ask yourself is how do the data get initially populated to the system. What happens when you want to expand the capability of the system. How do you expect the storage subsystem to place data so that the performance will be the best.)
(6) Jingyu will study PVFS, and run NPB (NAS Parallel Benchmark) suite upon PVFS. (MPICH2 has support for PVFS). PVFS can be found at I had initially asked Bill to take a look at that problem. Maybe you both can work together (Bill, can you forward the paper I sent you last time to Jingyu? That paper contains a small section mentioning that they ran an NPB benchmark upon PVFS).
(7) Jingyu, can you create a "sorrento" group on Zaphod? Also please ask CS people to create a email account.
(8) There are not many independent pieces of components remaining. However, everybody is welcome to checkout the code base through CVS (CVSROOT is zaphod:/home/research_home/htang/cvsroot, project name cbs).
(9) One important component of the system which is open for pick-up is the migration engine. The migration engine monitors the I/O traffic on local data objects and determine whether a certain object may need migration, and if so, to which other node.
(10) Nick has initially worked a little bit on the kernel file system switch, tentatively Aziz is assigned the task of taking over or collaborating with Nick on it.
Let me know if I missed something.

Last modified: Fri Jun 6 01:13:25 PDT 2003