Distributed Computing and Computer Networks
Winter 1999 UCSB

This is a graduate Computer Network class. There are two goals for this class: Understand and explore some of the latest topics in network research; Learn what it means to send and receive bits over the network via a C-programming environment, including how to deal with some of the inherent problems associated with networking.


Dr. Kevin C. Almeroth
Email: almeroth@cs.ucsb.edu
Office: 2113, Engineering I
Phone: x2777
Office Hours: Wednesday 9:00am to 11:00am, OR by appointment, OR whenever my door is open

Teaching Assistant

Traci Cuixing ['chey sing] Wu
Email: cxw@cs.ucsb.edu
Office Hours: M 9:00am to 11:00am, CSIL; R 12:00am to 1:00pm, CSIL


Class Schedule Outline

  • syllabus



    Traci C. Wu
    Wed, January 6, 1999