IF 0. program dosen't compile successfully: no further grading, the final grade: -- 10 points ELSE 1. your client can retrieving some files (e.g. /index.html) from imj.ucsb.edu:80, prints out the contents of the reply from the imj.ucsb.edu http server as well as the contents of the file: -- 15 points 2. a test case where your client interacts with your server: -- 20 points 3. your server works with netscape browser: gets existing file: -- 10 points gets non-existing file, responses with proper msg: -- 5 points 4. close all of the sockets: -- 10 points 5. This part was reviewed by Prof. Almeroth: in-line documentation -- 10 points quality of design -- 10 points Design Document description -- 5 points tradeoffs discussion -- 5 points extensions discussion -- 5 points Thoroughness of test cases -- 5 points