NGC 2000
Travel/Hotel Information
Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA
8-10 November 2000

Workshop Location Information

The workshop will be held at the Tresidder Union. For its location on the Stanford campus see the Searchable Campus Map (a zoomed version of the map is also available).

General information on Stanford can be found at:

Hotel Information

There are a number of hotels local to the Stanford campus. There is a Stanford Local Hotel WWW Page which includes distance to the campus, price range, and URLs for the online hotels. Exact distances and directions from common rail points can be found at or

There is also a list of hotels the organizing committee has put together. In many cases, hotels are on both lists, but there are some that only appear on one.

Air Travel/Airport Information

Stanford is located in Palo Alto which is half way between San Francisco and San Jose. Flying in to either airport is an option.

Local Travel

Once on the ground, there are a number of options to get to the various hotels. If your hotel has a WWW page, it will likely suggest the best way to get there. The common choices of renting a car or taking a Super Shuttle are available.

Between the hotel and the Stanford campus there is the Marguerite Shuttle which is a free shuttle service between Palo Alto and the Stanford campus.

Parking on campus is difficult. There are two suggestions for those who do want to park:

A map of parking locations with the 'E' and 'P' lots is available.