CS 272 - Software Engineering

Fall 2008

Course Description
The main theme of this course will be software dependability. We will discuss formalisms, tools, and techniques for developing dependable software. The list of papers we will cover is given below. There will be several homeworks. Each student will do either a survey, a case study, or a research project relating to the topics discussed in the class.

Instructor: Tevfik Bultan (bultan@cs.ucsb.edu, Phone: x3735)
Office Hours: Monday-Wednesday 2:00PM-3:00PM at HFH 2123

TA: Puneet Lakhina (puneet@cs.ucsb.edu)
Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 10:00AM-11:00AM at GSL.

Class Webpage: URL: http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~cs272/

Class Announcements Mailing List: https://lists.cs.ucsb.edu/mailman/listinfo/cs272

Lectures: Monday/Wednesday 11:00AM-12:50PM, 932 101

Presentation Schedule: The final presentation schedule is now available. Click here for the schedule

ANNOUNCEMENT: There will not be a class on November 10, Monday.

Course Work

Choosing survey/case-study/research project topic

You need to send me an e-mail (before October 8th) about your survey/case-study/research project topic. You can choose any tool or topic listed below or you can choose a tool or a topic related to this course.

For survey: Send me a paragraph describing the topic and at least 3 references as a starting point.

For case-study: Send me a paragraph identifying the tool you are going to use in your case study and a description of what you are going to use it for. If too many students request to use the same tool I may ask you to change your selection. This will be first come first serve.

For research project: You need to send me a project proposal and names of the team members, and you should come to my office hours and talk to me about the project.

Some research project topics are available here

Project list is available here

Project Assignments

Homework Assignments

Reading Assignments

List of Topics and Papers

The following list is subject to change.

Lecture Notes