CS290I - Concurrent Program Design and Verification

Spring 2000

Tevfik Bultan
E-mail: bultan@cs.ucsb.edu , Office: Eng. I 2123, Phone: x3735

Class Times: Tuesday/Thursday 11:00-12:50 PHELP 1401

Class Code: 18077

Projects are due Friday, June 16th

Reading assisgnments

Course Description

In this course we will investigate the relationships between threads programming, concurrency theory, and automated verification. Writing concurrent programs is much harder than writing sequential programs. As concurrency becomes part of mainstream programming, more programmers face this difficulty. In this course we will discuss recent efforts which address this issue. In particular I plan to discuss following topics: concurrent programming using formal concurrency models, design patterns for threads programming, and automated verification techniques for concurrent programs.

Students will be required to do a course project which will involve either extending existing concurrent program design and verification tools by integrating them with new techniques or applying them to new problem domains. There will be several homeworks.

Related Tools: