import java.awt.*; public class HeavenlyBody { final static int MAXSATELLITES = 10; public static boolean showOrbit = false; // instance variables int x, y, // location of this body diameter, // diameter of this body numSatellites = 0; // number of satellites private double orbitRadius, // radius of its orbit stepSize; // amount of radians incremented per time step private double orbitPosition; // orbit position in radians private Color color; private HeavenlyBody parent, // this is a satellite of parent satellite[] = new HeavenlyBody[MAXSATELLITES]; // its satellites public HeavenlyBody(HeavenlyBody p, int d, double r, double s, Color c) { p.addSatellite(this); // insert this onto parent's satellite list parent = p; diameter = d; orbitRadius = r; stepSize = s; color = c; } public HeavenlyBody(int X, int Y, int D) { // invoked only on God x = X; y = Y; diameter = D; } public boolean addSatellite(HeavenlyBody p) { if (numSatellites < MAXSATELLITES) { satellite[numSatellites++] = p; return true; } else return false; } public void move() { orbitPosition += stepSize; if (orbitPosition > 2 * Math.PI) orbitPosition -= 2 * Math.PI; x = parent.x + parent.diameter/2 - diameter/2 + (int) (orbitRadius * Math.cos(orbitPosition)); y = parent.y + parent.diameter/2 - diameter/2 + (int) (orbitRadius * Math.sin(orbitPosition)); for (int i = 0; i < numSatellites; i++) satellite[i].move(); } public void draw(Graphics g) { if (showOrbit) { g.setColor(; g.drawOval(parent.x - (int) orbitRadius + parent.diameter/2, parent.y - (int) orbitRadius + parent.diameter/2, 2 * (int) orbitRadius, 2 * (int) orbitRadius); } g.setColor(color); g.fillOval(x, y, diameter, diameter); for (int i = 0; i < numSatellites; i++) satellite[i].draw(g); } }