Assignment 6
GVM 2.0: A Stack Machine
GALA 2.0: View Data Memory & Data Stack

The purpose of this programming assignment primarily is to improve the programming model supported by the GVM. Secondarily, you provide some debugging tools.

The programming model now supports a functional style, including recursively defined functions. For debugging, parts of the GVM's state are made viewable while stepping through the execution of a Gala program.

You get 40% extra credit for writing a Gala program that:

  1. reads an integer n;
  2. recursively computes the nth Fibonacci number;
  3. writes this value to the console.

Each enhancement to the GVM & its programming environment is specified below.

GVM read & write instructions


A read instruction prompts the user to enter an integer via a JOptionPane.showInputDialog method. It's 1 operand is the index of the data memory location that is set to the entered integer. Its GVM opcode is 13; its Gala mnemonic is read. For example,

prompts the user to enter an integer, & stores the enterd integer in the data memory location defined by the identifier N.


A write instruction prompts the GVM to write the contents of a data memory cell to the console. It's 1 operand is the index of the data memory location to be written. Its GVM opcode is 14; its Gala mnemonic is write. For example,

prompts the GVM to write to the console the integer in the data memory location defined by the identifier N.

View Relevant Part of the Data Memory

We define a relevant data cell as one for which the Gala assembler has a defined identifier. A string is in this set if it either is a predefined identifier { ACC, X, Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT, RED, GREEN, & BLUE } or is defined by a Gala define statement.

After the completion of a run or a step, each relevant data memory cell is displayed on 1 line: the value of the memory cell followed by its string identifier. Fig. 1, illustrates, among other things, the relevant data memory cell display.

Functional programming

The meaning of the term functional programming, in this context, means declaring & invoking functions. This programming style is one way to promote the DRY principle & create modular, reusable software. The functional programming that you implement includes recursive programming, which imposes extra programming constraints.

Architectural support

Functional programming requires changes to the GVM architecture. For some background on call stacks, please see a Wikipedia article and a Citizendium article.

When function A calls function B, program control transfers to the instructions that define function B. When function B completes, it returns program control the the instruction in function A that immediately follows the call to function B. Since function B can call function C, & so on, the GVM maintains a stack of return addresses; when a function is called, the caller pushes its next instruction address onto the stack; when the called function completes, it pops a return address from the stack & transfers program control to the instruction at that address.

Two new instructions support calling a function & returning control to the caller: call & return.


A call instruction prompts the GVM to:

  1. push the address of the instruction immediately following the call, the return address onto the return address stack;
  2. transfer program control to the 1st instruction in of the called function, a program address specified by the call instruction's 1 operand.
Its GVM opcode is 15; its Gala mnemonic is call. For example, the call instruction in the 2 instruction sequence below prompts the GVM to push the program address of the return address, the address of pop instruction, onto the return address stack. Then, it transfers program control to the instruction whose statement label is sum.


A return instruction prompts the GVM to:

  1. pop the return address stack;
  2. transfer program control to that address, the return address put on the stack by the corresponding call instruction. The return instruction has no operand.
Its GVM opcode is 16; its Gala mnemonic is return. For example, the sum function called by the call statement above would have a instruction, which would pop the return address stack, & transfer program control to that address (in the example above, the address of the pop instruction that immediately follows the call sum instruction).

Returning a function's value & passing parameters to a function

To support:

the GVM also has a data stack. Keeping data separate from instruction addresses is one difference between the GVM's architecture & that described in the articles referenced above. There are 2 instructions that support using the data stack: push & pop.


A push instruction prompts the GVM to push the contents of a data memory cell onto the stack. Which cell is specified by its 1 operand. Its GVM opcode is 18; its Gala mnemonic is push. For example,

tells the GVM to push the contents of the accumulator (data memory cell 0) onto the data stack.


A pop instruction prompts the GVM to pop the data stack, storing that value into the data memory cell specified by its 1 operand. Its GVM opcode is 17; its Gala mnemonic is pop. For example,

tells the GVM to pop the data stack & store that value in the accumulator.

A function call protocol

To call a function, the caller must:

  1. If the caller is calling itself, push local variables onto the data stack (because, these memory cells may be overwritten by the recursive call)
  2. push parameters onto the data stack
  3. call the function
The called a function must:
  1. pop the parameters off the data stack;
  2. compute the function
  3. push the return value onto the data stack
  4. return
The caller then:
  1. pop the returned value off the data stack
  2. If this is the return of a recursive call, it pops the local variable values off the data stack
  3. resumes its computation

Viewing the data stack

Like viewing relevant memory cells, provide a view of the data stack after each run request & each step request. This feature is of value when debugging: observing the affect of an instruction, or a sequence of instructions, on data memory & the data stack.

GUI controls

You may lay out the fololowing GUI components any way you like:

You may use any layout manager you like.

The image of Fig. 1 has all these components. Again, lay them out as you wish.

GALA programming environment 2.0

Sample GALA test files

A test file of a Gala program to multiply 2 integers is given below. We will test your submission with this Gala program. Fig. 1 shows the output from this program, after multiplying -3 X 15. Again, producing a Gala program for recursively computing the nth Fibonacci number is a great test, & earns 40% extra credit.

#               Test multiply function
                define  x   20  #   int x;
                define  y   21  #   int y;
                define  xXy 22  #   int xXy;
                read    x
                read    y
                push    y
                push    x
                call    multiply
                pop     xXy
                write   xXy

#              Computes mX * mY.
# @param mX - the 1st operand.
# @param mY - the 2nd operand, which must be >= 0..
# @returns mX * mY.

               # local variables
               define   mX      50  #   int mX;
               define   mY      51  #   int mY;
               define   product 52  #   int product;

multiply       pop      mX          #  X = mX;
               pop      mY          #  y = mY;
               set      0
               store    product    # product = 0;
               load     mY

               # if ( mY != 0 ) goto AddX
mIdone         zero     addX        

               # exit loop: return product;
               push    product

               # loop body: product += mX;
addX           load      product 
               add       mX
               store     product

               #  mY--;
               set         -1
               add         mY 
               store       mY

               goto      mIdone

Implementation notes

Discussion of possible enhancements

Please post any enhancements to the assembler that would you like to see on Discussion forum.


4Correctly assembles & runs a test program that calls a function that requires parameters & has a return value.
4Correctly assembles & runs my Fibonacci program. (This demonstrates that your work supports recursively defined functions.)
2Javadoc & Style
4Extra credit: Correctly assembles & runs your recursive Fibonacci program.

For style, we want: © Copyright 2014 Peter Cappello                                           2014.06.03