Starting diary file diary-27-Oct-2010.txt format short 0 1-1 1/0 -1/0 0/0 inf-inf inf+inf 0*inf nan+1 nan + nan nan - nan 0 * nan inf*nan 1/0 -1/0 1/inf 1/(-inf) 1/ (1/-inf) 1/ (1/inf) format hex 1/0 -1/0 0 1/inf inf -inf 1/inf 1/-inf 1/ans 1/inf 1/ans pluszero = 1/inf minuszero = 1/(-inf) pluszero-minuszero pluszero == minuszero realmax format short realmax realmin format hex ans format long ans realmax realmax+1 realmin + 1 eps format hex 1 realmin 1+realmin 1 + 1000 * realmin 1 + 10^200 * realmin e = 1/ 16 ^ 13 format long e format hex 1 1 + e eps e format long eps a = 1; while (1+a) > 1, a=a/2,end; 1+a 1 + (2*a) format hex 1 1+a 1 + (2*a) format short pi p = 3.1416 p-pi a=1; while (1+a) > 1, a=a/2;end;a a=1 a+a ans+ans a=1 ; while (a+a) > a, a=a+a; end; a a = 1; while a>0, a = a/2; end a a=1 ; while (a+a) > a, a=a+a; end; a a=1 ; while (a+a) > a, b = a; a=a+a; end; a inf / 2 b realmax a=1 ; while (a+a) > a, b = a; a=a+a; end; pi1 = 3.141592653589793238462; pi2 = 3.141592653589793238; pi1 - pi2 a = 4/3 b = a-1 c = 3*b d = 1 - c format hex a = 4/3 b = a-1 c = 3*b 1-c format long ans x = .988 : .0001 : 1.012; size(x) y = x.^7 - 7*x.^6 + 21*x.^5 - 35*x.^4 + 35*x.^3 - 21*x.^2 + 7*x - 1; size(y) plot(x,y);hold on yy = (x-1) .^ 7; plot(x,yy,'r') clear load LU whos format short A A(2,2) = 1/2 + 10^-15 format hex A(2,2) format short [L,U,p ] = lugui(A); % Choose the diagonal pivots b = ones(5,1) y=L\b x=U\y A*x - b xx = A\b A*xx - b [L,U,p ] = lugui(A); % Choose the partial pivots diary off