what M-files in the current directory /Users/gilbert/Documents/CS219spring2013/Matlab clustereg jacobi misseq gploth misluby startup MAT-files in the current directory /Users/gilbert/Documents/CS219spring2013/Matlab clusters meshes heatproblem load heatproblem whos Name Size Bytes Class Attributes A 10000x10000 873608 double sparse b 10000x1 80000 double d 1x25 50 char dfile 1x21 42 char A A = (1,1) 4 ... (10000,10000) 4 whos spy(A) plot(b) x = A \ b; size(x) ans = 10000 1 X = reshape(x,100,100); size(X) ans = 100 100 surfc(X),shg clc clear whos what M-files in the current directory /Users/gilbert/Documents/CS219spring2013/Matlab clustereg jacobi misseq gploth misluby startup MAT-files in the current directory /Users/gilbert/Documents/CS219spring2013/Matlab clusters meshes heatproblem load clusters whos Name Size Bytes Class Attributes A 50x50 9400 double sparse S 4x4 72 double sparse ans 100x1 800 double ignore 50x1 400 double lambda 2x1 16 double p 1x50 400 double pp 50x1 400 double uv 50x2 800 double xy 50x2 800 double spy(A) gploth(A,xy,1:length(A)) A sum(A) ans = All zero sparse: 1-by-50 min(diag(A)) ans = (1,1) 5 max(diag(A)) ans = (1,1) 14 help eigs [V,D] = eigs(A,[],3,'SM'); {??? Error using ==> eigs>checkInputs/LUfactorAminusSigmaB at 1136 (A-sigma*I)is singular. The shift is an eigenvalue. Try to use some other shift please. help fiedler FIEDLER : Fiedler vector of a graph. x = fiedler(G) returns the eigenvector corresponding to the second-smallest eigenvalue of the laplacian matrix of the graph whose adjacency matrix is G|G'. (If G is connected this is the smallest positive eval.) [x,lambda] = fiedler(G) also returns the eigenvalue. [x,lambda] = fiedler(G,k) returns the k smallest nonzero eigenvalues and their eigenvectors. [x,lambda] = fiedler(G,k,verbose) prints some trace information: verbose = 0 for none, 1 for some, 2 for more. If G is full or smaller than 100 vertices we use Matlab's full "eig"; if G is sparse we use an iterative method. This is *not* an efficient implementation, it's just for playing with small examples. See also laplacian, specpart. [uv,lambda] = fiedler(A,2); size(uv) ans = 50 2 uv uv = -0.1861 0.0589 0.0537 -0.1840 0.1924 0.2106 -0.1894 0.0508 ... 0.0738 -0.2267 -0.1515 0.0652 -0.1781 0.0492 lambda lambda = 0.8595 0.9956 plot(eig(full(A)),'.'); [uv,lambda] = fiedler(A,2); gploth(A,uv,1:length(A)); shg diary off