Starting diary file diary-03-Apr-2013.txt what M-files in the current directory /Users/gilbert/Documents/CS219spring2013/Matlab clustereg gploth jacobi misluby misseq startup MAT-files in the current directory /Users/gilbert/Documents/CS219spring2013/Matlab clusters heatproblem meshes ndmats load meshes whos Name Size Bytes Class Attributes Airfoil 4253x4253 495328 double sparse Amap 4253x1 34024 double Axy 4253x2 68048 double Eppstein 547x547 63248 double sparse Exy 547x2 8752 double Rmat 1024x1024 349096 double sparse Rmat64 64x64 9096 double sparse Rxy 1024x2 16384 double Rxy64 64x2 1024 double Smallmesh 136x136 14600 double sparse Sxy 136x2 2176 double Tapir 1024x1024 115656 double sparse Txy 1024x2 16384 double d 1x25 50 char dfile 1x21 42 char A = Airfoil; size(A) ans = 4253 4253 nnz(A) ans = 28831 spy(A) gplotg(A,Axy) spy(A) help chol ... clc R = chol(A); spy(R) L = chol(A)'; spy(L) help randperm RANDPERM Random permutation. ... n = length(A) n = 4253 perm = randperm(n); size(perm) ans = 1 4253 perm(5) ans = 2874 B = A(perm,perm); spy(B) L = chol(B)'; spy(L) perm = amd(A); size(perm) ans = 1 4253 B = A(perm,perm); spy(B) L = chol(B)'; spy(L) spy(B) etreeplotg(B) shg diary off