CS185 Final Projects

Announced: Tue, May 7, 2019


Design and implementation of a real-world application, with special focus on UI design.
The UI to your application is the important part of this project. It should apply suitable design guidelines and principles you learned in class.


Product idea

Domain analysis:



Final Implementation


If you have trouble coming up with a project idea of your own, feel free to use and extend this Project Possibility.


Grading Dimensions:


  1. Wednesday, May 15, 23:59:59 submit project idea on GauchoSpace. You have to be part of a group proposal (3 or 4 students, in exceptional cases fewer or more) OR submit an idea by yourself. Here is an example project idea writeup to clarify the format for this early idea stage.
  2. Tue, June 11th, 8-11am: Product presentation - walkthrough the functionality and design process (10 minute team presentation). 
  3. Wed, June 12th, 11:59:59pm: Submit final project materials and documentation:
    • Complete code for your project. You are not limited to any specific web development environments and you can use any publicly available libraries / code / artwork / materials as long as you correctly acknowledge all sources. We will view and grade your projects on a Google Chrome browser.
    • Manual for your product. Document that describes how the product is to be used. Please make use of screen shots here to document all functionality. This document can be a PDF or another web page.
    • Documentation of the design process. This should be a separate document, giving an overview of the different steps you went through and presenting all documentation/evaluation materials you produced on the way. This includes: