CS291A – Mixed and Augmented Reality

Exercise 1: Installing and Testing XR SDKs

Change Log:
Thu., Jan 6, noon: original post

Fri, Jan. 7, 9:00am: small wording changes.
Fri, Jan. 7, 5pm: Submission questionnaire posted.

In this homework exercise, you will install and run examples in several XR-enabling SDKs. It is possible that you will run into installation problems with some of these platforms on your specific development platform. In that case, we are interested in how far you got and where the stumbling blocks are.

The deliverable on this assignment is a questionnaire submission that gathers brief experience reports for all of these. Depending on your OS and platform, there will be several additional steps that you will likely proactively need to figure out (e.g. version mismatches, or smth like registering a developer account in Xcode on Mac). Be a researcher, and try to get as far as you can, but feel free to limit your time investment on each of these SDKs to one hour each (you don't have to).

Depending on your platform choices, the instructions may turn out to be confusing. Please use Slack to ask questions, and also use your best judgment!

Let's get started with something that doesn't require an installation: web-based AR in the browser:

Then, please install and test the following SDKs (again, no problem if you get stuck! Limit your time to maximal 1h for each of these and report how far you got). Also, please utilize Slack and the newly set up platform_... channels in there to give and receive tips for installing any of these on the OS's you try the




The questionnaire for this assignment (that's how you submit the assignment and screen shots as evidence of your efforts) is here: https://bit.ly/xr-hw1-q


Your questionnaire must be submitted by Tue., Jan 11, 12:00pm (we will discuss results at class time)