CS291A – Mixed and Augmented Reality

Assignment 5:  Project Milestone 

Due Date: Wed., Feb. 23

Change Log:
Thu., Feb. 10: original post

This assignment serves as an intermediate checkpoint on your project work. Starting from a "Minimum Viable Product" that you define and get to work early during the two-week assignment period, you will work your way towards a 5 minute demonstration of your project that shows progress and highlights the remaining work, so that you can receive feedback from the class and instructor.

Part 1: Minimum Viable Product

At this stage, you probably have considered (at least) two directions for your project story:

It's likely that each of the class projects will be somewhere on the spectrum between these two extremes. Assess where you think your team/project is on that spectrum.

Assuming that your project idea is somewhere closer to GV than to MVP, you'll now want to set aside the description of your GV for the moment. Use it as a reference to inform your efforts to redo the exercise, but focusing on an MVP.

Maybe you can draw on top of your GV description, and highlight the parts that you think might be part of your MVP.

The big question to keep in mind is:

How can we make "this" possible with less complexity, less code, less time

Here, "this" is the goal/need/desire/research investigation.

As part of the in-class presentation on Thu, Feb. 24th, you will (very briefly!) demonstrate your MVP.

Part 2: Definition of Remaining Work

You will also outline your plans for the remaining parts of your project, including what each team member (if applicable) will work on. This is your opportunity to get feedback from the class and the instructor for the remaining 2 1/2 weeks of the project journey!


Please submit brief descriptions of both your MVP demonstration and Outline of Remaining Work as PDF documents. Submission deadline is 11:59.59pm on Wed., Feb. 23rd.