About LINK Lab

Being able to obtain available wireless resource is critical for continous innovation in wireless networks and devices.  The general problem of resource management in wireless networks is challenging due to dynamic environment and network conditions, and large, ever-growing network scale.  

In the LINK lab, we are exploring techniques and mechanisms to improve efficiency, performance, fault-tolerance, security and other functionality of wireless networks.  Our approach is to apply distributed, self-organizing mechanisms to manage wireless networks through intelligent local actions of individual nodes. Our current focus is on the use of dynamic spectrum access techniques to provide future wireless networks with usable spectrum while improving its utilization.

Some On-going Projects  

  1. Distributed Collaborative Spectrum Access
  2. Dynamic Spectrum Auctions: Systems and Algorithms
  3. Proactive Spectrum Access
  4. Programmable Radio Testbeds
Additional information on our current and past projects can be found in the project page.

For Prospective Students

We are always looking for dedicated, highly-motivated students to join our group.  We are looking for PhD, MS and Undergraduate students. If you are interested in our PhD program, before contacting me, please read the following FAQ page.  

News Flash

  1. Lei Yang received the best TA award for Spring 2007!
  2. Xia Zhou joined our group as a PhD student!
  3. Heather presented a panel talk at ACM Mobicom 2007 on Collaborative and Non-collaborative Spectrum Sharing.
  4. Our paper received the IEEE/ACM DySPAN best student paper award!