CS 12, Fall 2008


Assignment 1 - past due (10/10/08, 9:00pm) - C programming practice: converting integer bases
Assignment 2 - past due (10/27/08, 9:00pm) - Linked lists: some exercises, and writing some functions
Assignment 3 - past due (11/14/08, 9:00pm) - Abstract data types and testing: exercises, and testing a basic list
Assignment 4 - past due (12/3/08, 9:00pm) - Making/using data structures: exercises, and a binary tree program


  1. intbase.c
  2. hw2.txt, airports.c
  3. hw3.txt, testlist.c, Makefile, testlist.dat
  4. hw4.txt, translate.c
Note: These are adequate solutions that fully satisfy project specifications. In most cases, infinite solutions could satisfy these specifications just as well, or better.

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