//DISPLAY 5.10 Driver Program //Driver program for the function get_input. #include void get_input(double& cost, int& turnover); //Precondition: User is ready to enter values correctly. //Postcondition: The value of cost has been set to the //wholesale cost of one item. The value of turnover has been //set to the expected number of days until the item is sold. int main( ) { using namespace std; double wholesale_cost; int shelf_time; char ans; cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.setf(ios::showpoint); cout.precision(2); do { get_input(wholesale_cost, shelf_time); cout << "Wholesale cost is now $" << wholesale_cost << endl; cout << "Days until sold is now " << shelf_time << endl; cout << "Test again?" << " (Type y for yes or n for no): "; cin >> ans; cout << endl; } while (ans == 'y' || ans == 'Y'); return 0; } //Uses iostream: void get_input(double& cost, int& turnover) { using namespace std; cout << "Enter the wholesale cost of item: $"; cin >> cost; cout << "Enter the expected number of days until sold: "; cin >> turnover; }