//DISPLAY 6.8 Editing a File of Text //Program to create a file called cplusad.dat that is identical to the file //cad.dat, except that all occurrences of 'C' are replaced by "C++". //Assumes that the uppercase letter 'C' does not occur in cad.dat except //as the name of the C programming language. #include #include #include using namespace std; void add_plus_plus(ifstream& in_stream, ofstream& out_stream); //Precondition: in_stream has been connected to an input file with open. //out_stream has been connected to an output file with open. //Postcondition: The contents of the file connected to in_stream have been //copied into the file connected to out_stream, but with each 'C' replaced //by "C++". (The files are not closed by this function.) int main( ) { ifstream fin; ofstream fout; cout << "Begin editing files.\n"; fin.open("cad.dat"); if (fin.fail( )) { cout << "Input file opening failed.\n"; exit(1); } fout.open("cplusad.dat"); if (fout.fail( )) { cout << "Output file opening failed.\n"; exit(1); } add_plus_plus(fin, fout); fin.close( ); fout.close( ); cout << "End of editing files.\n"; return 0; } void add_plus_plus(ifstream& in_stream, ofstream& out_stream) { char next; in_stream.get(next); while (! in_stream.eof( )) { if (next == 'C') out_stream << "C++"; else out_stream << next; in_stream.get(next); } }