//DISPLAY 7.3 Indexed Variable as an Argument //Illustrates the use of an indexed variable as an argument. //Adds 5 to each employee's allowed number of vacation days. #include const int NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES = 3; int adjust_days(int old_days); //Returns old_days plus 5. int main( ) { using namespace std; int vacation[NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES], number; cout << "Enter allowed vacation days for employees 1" << " through " << NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES << ":\n"; for (number = 1; number <= NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES; number++) cin >> vacation[number-1]; for (number = 0; number < NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES; number++) vacation[number] = adjust_days(vacation[number]); cout << "The revised number of vacation days are:\n"; for (number = 1; number <= NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES; number++) cout << "Employee number " << number << " vacation days = " << vacation[number-1] << endl; return 0; } int adjust_days(int old_days) { return (old_days + 5); }