//DISPLAY 11.4 The Class Money with Constant Parameters //Class for amounts of money in U.S. currency. class Money { public: friend Money add(const Money& amount1, const Money& amount2); //Precondition: amount1 and amount2 have been given values. //Returns the sum of the values of amount1 and amount2. friend bool equal(const Money& amount1, const Money& amount2); //Precondition: amount1 and amount2 have been given values. //Returns true if amount1 and amount2 have the same value; //otherwise, returns false. Money(long dollars, int cents); //Initializes the object so its value represents an amount with the //dollars and cents given by the arguments. If the amount is negative, //then both dollars and cents must be negative. Money(long dollars); //Initializes the object so its value represents $dollars.00. Money( ); //Initializes the object so its value represents $0.00. double get_value( ) const; //Precondition: The calling object has been given a value. //Returns the amount of money recorded in the data of the calling object. void input(istream& ins); //Precondition: If ins is a file input stream, then ins has already been //connected to a file. An amount of money, including a dollar sign, has been //entered in the input stream ins. Notation for negative amounts is -$100.00. //Postcondition: The value of the calling object has been set to //the amount of money read from the input stream ins. void output(ostream& outs) const; //Precondition: If outs is a file output stream, then outs has already been //connected to a file. //Postcondition: A dollar sign and the amount of money recorded //in the calling object have been sent to the output stream outs. private: long all_cents; };