CS 16 Plan for Today, 2/28/2018: C string I/O and numbers [08-02.cpp, 08-03.cpp] C++ class string basics [08-04.cpp] Using getline [08-05.cpp] string indexing [08-06.cpp] Test for palindrome application [08-08.cpp] C++ class vector basics [08-09.cpp] C++ pointer basics (start of Chapter 9) [ch demo] Declare: type *name; // e.g., int *ip; Assign memory address - e.g., say int i; ip = &i; // & is address-of operator Dereference pointer to access *ip = 92; // now 92 stored at &i cout << *ip; // same as cout << i; Pointer assignment copies the address int *ip2 = ip; // both point at i Dynamic memory allocation - use new operator double *dp = new double; // [09-02.cpp] www.cs.ucsb.edu/~mikec/cs16/misc/binky.html