CS24, Fall 2016

Stacks, and evaluating expressions

Goals for this lab

By the time you have completed this lab, you should be able to

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1: Create a lab06 directory (in the first pilot's account)

First get together with your lab partner. If your regular partner is more than 5 minutes late, ask the TA to pair you with someone else for this week.

Select a pilot, log in, create a ~/cs24/lab06 directory, and make it your current directory.

Step 2: Get a copy of all the program files, and practice using a stack

There are three files to copy from the class account this week: intstack.h and usestack.cpp to practice with in this step and again in Step4, plus evalfull.cpp to work on in Step 3. You can copy them all at once using the Unix wildcard character '*' and then verify you got them all as follows:

-bash-4.3$ cp ~cs24/labs/lab06/* ~/cs24/lab06/
-bash-4.3$ ls
evalfull.cpp  intstack.h  usestack.cpp

First look at intstack.h to learn what you can do with objects of this type. You can also notice how a stack can be implemented with an array - since all of the methods are very simple, they are implemented "inline" as part of the function definition.

Now look at usestack.cpp - notice it starts with #include "intstack.h" so it can create objects of type Stack and use the public methods of that class. The main function creates a Stack object named s, then it pushes first 10 then 20 onto the stack. Finally, it loops until the stack is empty, printing the top element then popping that element from the stack. Feel free to compile it and run it - notice the numbers are popped from the stack in last-in first-out (LIFO) order:

-bash-4.3$ make usestack
g++     usestack.cpp   -o usestack
-bash-4.3$ ./usestack

Edit usestack.cpp with emacs or another editor to play with this stack until you are comfortable with its operations. Push some numbers, pop a few numbers, use cout to print the top number, and so on. You might want to leave the loop at the end alone, to print out the remaining numbers at the end. Try to predict what numbers will be printed, and in what order. Move on to Step 3 after you are sure you know how to use this ADT.

WARNING: this stack does no error checking - do not push a number onto it if it already has 10 of them, and do not try to access the top element if the stack is empty!

Step 3: Learn two algorithms that use stacks, and implement one of them

The next file to look at is evalfull.cpp which is intended to evaluate fully-parenthesized arithmetic expressions. You can compile and run it now, but no matter what expression the user enters, it will say "bad expression: parentheses are not balanced" until you implement the function named balanced. But first learn how two stacks can be used to evaluate an arithmetic expression that has a set of parentheses enclosing every calculation. For example, the first expression below is fully parenthesized, and the rest are not:

( 4 * ( ( 5 + 3.2 ) / 1.5 ) )  // okay
( 4 * ( ( 5 + 3.2 ) / 1.5 )    // unbalanced parens - missing last ')'
( 4 * ( 5 + 3.2 ) / 1.5 ) )    // unbalanced parens - missing one '('
4 * ( ( 5 + 3.2 ) / 1.5 )      // not fully-parenthesized at '*' operation
( 4 * ( 5 + 3.2 ) / 1.5 )      // not fully-parenthesized at '/' operation

The main function gets an expression from the user, assuming that the "tokens" are separated by spaces. Each part of the expression is a different token - left parenthesis, right parenthesis, number, and arithmetic operators add, subtract, multiply and divide. These tokens are stored in an array, char *expression[] and passed to the evalFull function inside a try block, where it prints the result returned by evalFull. The evalFull function might throw a string exception if the expression cannot be evaluated, and such exceptions are caught and printed by main.

Here is the evalFull algorithm (with help from the utility function that identifies tokens and the enum TokenType) - try to follow the steps involved, and see how the program implements them.

You must write function balanced to complete this program. Edit evalFull.cpp so that balanced implements the following algorithm:

// Balanced Parentheses Algorithm
loop through all the tokens in the expression (up to numTokens):
    identify the token (using the utility function named identify)
    if token is a left parenthesis: push it on the stack named s
    if token is a right parenthesis (means a left should be on the stack):
        if stack is empty - done: found out not balanced, so return false
        else pop a left parenthesis
    ignore any other token
end of loop (stack should be empty) - done: return true if empty, else false
Just one stack is needed, and it is already created in the skeleton: stack<char *> s is an object of the STL stack class that is set up to store C strings like "(".

Compile and test it on some balanced and some unbalanced expressions. If balanced, the program should print a result, or at least throw a different exception string like the following sample runs of our solution:

-bash-4.3$ ./evalfull
enter expression: ( 4 + 7 )
result: 11
-bash-4.3$ ./evalfull
enter expression: ( 4 + 7 / 2 )
bad expression: operator(s) left on stack at end
-bash-4.3$ ./evalfull
enter expression: ( 4 7 )
bad expression: empty stack where operator expected

Step 4: Learn how to evaluate postfix expressions with a stack

First switch roles between pilot and navigator if you did not already do that.

We are most accustomed to arithmetic expressions in infix form - number operator number - where the operator is between the two numbers, as in 7 + 5. With this form, it is necessary to consider the precedence of operators and the effects of parentheses, which makes 7 + 5 * 3 different than (7 + 5) * 3, for example.

The postfix form of an arithmetic expression - number number operator - is far simpler from a computational standpoint, as it never requires parentheses and is not influenced by operator precedence. The first infix expression above translates to 7 5 + in postfix, the second one translates to 7 5 3 * + and the third one is 7 5 + 3 * in postfix form.

An algorithm to evaluate general infix expressions is even more complicated than the one for fully-parenthesized expressions - to consider operator precedence, and without the right parenthesis flag to know when it is time to perform a calculation. But an algorithm to evaluate postfix expressions is simpler than both of the infix algorithms:

// Postfix Expression Evaluation Algorithm
create a stack for numbers (just need this one stack)
loop through all the tokens in the expression:
    identify the token
    if token is a number: push it on the stack
    if token is an operator (means time to perform a calculation):
        pop a number - last one pushed, so it is on right side of calculation
        pop a second number - for the left side of the calculation
        perform the calculation, and push the result on the stack
Done: result is on top of stack

Exceptions would be thrown if (a) a token cannot be identified, (b) there are less than two numbers on the stack when an operator is encountered, or (c) the stack does not have exactly one number left on it at the end of loop.

Edit usestack.cpp again to try this algorithm on a postfix expression (remember the stack in usestack.cpp only handles int values), and print the results to cout. For example, here is how the second expression from above could be evaluated (starts with a fresh stack):

// evaluating "7 5 3 * +"

// start with an empty stack
Stack numbers;

// first three tokens all numbers to push "7 5 3":

// fourth token is calculation to do "*":
int right = numbers.top();
int left = numbers.top();
numbers.push(left * right);

// last token is another calculation "+":
right = numbers.top();
left = numbers.top();
numbers.push(left + right);

// done - print result:
cout << numbers.top() << endl;

Please select a different expression - make up a simple one, but not too simple, so you know you understand the steps. Don't make it so complicated that you won't have time to complete it before lab ends (besides, you want to work on the optional challenges for awhile). Show the expression you are evaluating in a comment at the top. Compile and test it so you can show the TA how it works.

Step 5: Show off your work and get credit for the lab

Get your TA's attention to inspect your work, and to record your lab completion.

Don't leave early though ... see challenge problems below.


In the unlikely event that you must complete this assignment at CSIL, then submit it with the turnin program - but do NOT turn it in if the TA already checked you off. The command is:

turnin Lab06@cs24 usestack.cpp evalfull.cpp

Evaluation and Grading

Each student must accomplish the following to earn full credit for this lab:

Optional Extra Challenge

Prepared by Michael Costanzo.