Choices: 1. converting ctor and search test 2. copy test 3. refresh and toUpper test 4. instance count test 5. join test 6. binary operator+ test 7. operator= test 8. operator() test 9. operator[] test 10. operator+= test 11. operator++ test 12. All tests Enter choice --> Converting constructors and search tests: found "+" in C++ found 'C' in C++ ******************** Copy constructor tests: made 2 good copies ******************** Refresh and toUpper tests: str before refresh: C str after refresh: c++ language after chaining: C++ ******************** Instance counter tests: (Note: initial count now corresponds to number of choices, because main created an array of Strings for test names.) initial count: 11 count after a, b: 13 count after new c: 14 count after delete c: 13 ******************** 3 string objects after joining them: This is a test of concatenation This is a test of concatenation This is a test of concatenation ******************** 3 string objects after + operations: This is a test of concatenation (using the + operator) This is a test of concatenation (using the + operator) This is a test of concatenation (using the + operator) ******************** Assignment test: str1: C++ ******************** Function call operator test (answers should be 2, 1, 2, 1, 0): answer 1: 2 answer 2: 1 answer 3: 2 answer 4: 1 answer 5: 0 ******************** Subscript tests: "Mutable string" changed to: "Autable string" "Mutable string" changed to: "Cutable string" ******************** 2 string objects after += operations: This is a test of compound assignment (using += operator) This is a test of compound assignment (using += operator) ******************** Increment tests: str1 to start: ABC str1 after pre-increment: BCD str2: BCD str1 after post-increment: CDE str3: BCD ********************