CS 48, Spring 2018

Final Project Instructions

For this assignment you must complete at least one more full development iteration that results in a significant increment (and improvement) over the system turned in for the Draft Project. Additionally, you must update the documentation you produced for that Draft, and we expect these updates will be more complete and more sophisticated than your first attempts.

In particular, we expect your project to include the use of two or more design patterns, and we expect your documentation to include a description of that usage. See this Design Patterns summary. Other pertinent links are available on the course Resources page.

Work scope

Altogether lots to do. [Remember to prepare the Demonstration too.] Work as a team to get it all done right!


Update all of the Draft Project deliverables, both System and Documentation parts. Refer to that assignment for detailed instructions not repeated below.

Due Friday, June 8 before 6:30 pm

Turn in the PDF document to Gauchospace. Your github repo must be ready at that time too.

TAs and instructor must be able to clone your repo(s) as part of their evaluation process. Include instructions on how to deploy and execute your project as part of the Documentation (assuming we have access to all of the same services that you do).

Updated May 7, 2018 by C. Michael Costanzo, with thanks to Prof. Chandra Krintz (W'2018 instructor) for helpful additions/modifications.

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