CS 5JA - Winter 2009 - Assignment 5
Grader - Ceren Budak
Code Pts. out of 100 Grader comments (RP = RandomPick, GN = GuessNumber, CC = CharCounter)
501 -
502 -
503 -
504 73 RP: upperbound for random int off by 1, CC: does not compile
506 -
508 93 CC:counteach wrong, countdigits almost right
509 -
511 -
512 -
513 93 RP: did not compile,small issue, CC: count function wrong
515 -
516 -
518 -
519 -
521 -
523 -
524 52 RP: not an object class, methods not implemented, CC: does not compile
525 30 RP: not an object class, methods not implemented, GN: not done properly
526 -
527 -
529 -
530 -
531 -
532 40 RP: doesnt compile, not done properly, CC: not implemented
533 100
534 55 None compile, RP: only basic 3 methods written, GN: not proper, CC: most methods wrong
535 -
538 100
539 -
540 -
541 -
542 -
543 -
544 97 CC: countletters and digits not right, add the counts up in the loop and then return it
545 -
546 95 GN: boundaries not set properly, choices not handled right
548 -
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552 -
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554 -
558 -
559 97 CC: counteach method wrong (an extra semicolon at the end of for statement)
560 -
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566 -
567 -
569 50 RP:random selection boundaries not set properly, GN:invalid input not handled
570 43 RP: doesnt compile GN: not what is required, CC: count almost right, others all wrong
571 55 RP: upperbound for random int off by 1, GN:invalid options not handled right
572 -
573 35 RP: doesnt compile, random int not set right GN: not what is required
574 100
576 28 RP, GN: do not compile, not done properly
578 -
579 100
580 -
581 -
582 -
584 100
587 100
588 -
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591 -
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594 -
595 95 RP: upperbound for random int off by 1, GN:invalid options not handled right
596 60 GN: did not compile. after fix: infinite loop. CC: not done properly
598 -
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