Use the following intstruction in order to electronically turnin your project files: turnin prog1@cs130a LIST where LIST is the list of all your files (makefile, all your .C and .H files). (The turnin program is located in /usr/bin/turnin on only.) You must use makefiles and comment your code. POINTS will be deducted if you don't. In addition, please ALWAYS ALWAYS include a README file to tell the TAs what is what. When testing your program I will execute the following commands: make prog < data.1 prog < data.2 ... where data.1, data.2, ... are set of data that we will create to test your programs. In case of problems, please contact the TA or the Instructor. If you turnin more than once then the version that will be graded is the last version you turned in before the deadline. Turnin will be TURNED OFF at deadline, and NO LATE submissions will be accepted.