Generating a pdf graph of your data

by Chris Coakley

Assume you have a sample1.dat that looks like:

# n time
1 1
2 2
3 4
4 8
5 16
6 32
7 64

Also assume you have a sample2.dat that looks like:

# n time
1 50
2 51
3 52
4 53
5 54
6 55
7 56

Create a file called gnuplottest.p that looks like (there is no spelling error on styl):

set data styl linespoints
set output ""
set terminal postscript
plot "sample1.dat", "sample2.dat"

Create the plot using the command:

gnuplot < gnuplottest.p

And convert to pdf using the command:

ps2pdf sampleplot.pdf

You may find the following links useful (In decreasing order of utility):
Note that I am not an expert at gnuplot by any means, but I thought that this tutorial would help with the Lab 1 assignment.