University of California, Santa Barbara
Computer Science Department
Data Structures and Algorithms
CMPSC 130A (Summer 2012)

This material can only be used for UCSB CMPSC 130a Fall 2011 and you may print the slides for that purpose (and keep them forever). This material is protected under the Copyright law and cannot be copied and/or distributed manually or through electronic means without written permission from Professor Teofilo F Gonzalez.

In what follows I use W, HS, Sa, AHU, etc. These refer to the books listed in the class WEB page (first handout

Evaluation of Programs (1 slide) (PDF File)

Time and Space Complexity (PDF File) Annotated

Testing and Debugging (not 1st slide) (PDF File)

Dictionaries (arrays and linked lists) (PDF File)

Dictionaries (Tries) (PDF File) Annotated

LINUX (CSIL) Code for Dictionary on Tries discussed in class (text File)

Hashing and Compression (PDF File) Annotated

Heaps (PDF File)


Heaps (PDF File)

Binomial Heaps (PDF File)

Skew Heaps (Basic Definiton).

Weight-Biased Leftest Trees (PDF File)
Height-Biased Leftest Trees (PDF File)

Red-Black Trees (PDF File)

Red-Black Tree Insert (PDF File)

Red-Black Tree Delete (PDF File)

Union-Find (PDF File)

Sorting (PDF File)

B-trees (PDF File)

Basic Graph Definitions (PDF File)

DFS (PDF File)

Graph Algorithms (PDF File)


Bipartite Matching

Euler Circuit Program (Slides)

Euler Circuit C++ Program

Euler Circuit Input 1

Euler Circuit Input 2

Skip Lists (in Project 2005 - 2006)

Mergeable B'-Trees (in Project 2006-2007)

sh.PDF sh.PDF rbd.PDF uf.PDF sort.PDF uf.pdf gb.pdf sort.pdf sort.pdf rb.pdf wblt.pdf wblt.pdf bt.pdf