CS290D - Projects home | schedule | project | readings 


Potential topics will be announced here (in preparation); you are welcome to propose your own topics and recruit your team members.  Please think deeply and seriously. Team work (2 students) is encouraged.  Each project should have one of the following goals:

  1. Empirical Survey: Study existing data mining and machine learning techniques,  implement/run and compare some of them for better understanding and for possible improvement,
  2. Novel Application: Build a novel application with data mining techniques applied,
  3. Original Research: Propose new data mining concepts, formulations, or algorithms, aiming for publication.

Solid and original projects will be appreciated in this course.


Proposal (April 20 2011): Build a team, select a topic, and upload two-page proposal  including problem definition, datasets, task, and working plan, etc.

Midway Report (May 11 2011): Upload two-page summary of what has been done. 

Demo/Presentation (June 1/6 2011):  Present and/or demo projects in the class.

Final Report (June 8 2011): Submit a final report, clearly describe the contribution of each team member.

Project Grade

Your project will be graded based on the following scheme:
  • Project proposal: 10%
  • Project presentation/demo: 40% (Student Voting)
  • Project result/report: 50%