CS 290I: References

Parallel Matlabs

Linear algebra and Matlab

Iterative methods

Direct methods

Cluster programming


  • Scalapack: Message-passing parallel linear algebra library, mostly dense. Scalapack Users' Guide.
  • BLACS: Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms, the communiciation layer for Scalapack.
  • PBLAS: Parallel Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, the underlying matrix and vector arithmetic for Scalapack.
  • SuperLU: Sparse nonsymmetric linear system solver.
  • TauCS: Sparse linear solvers, and support-graph preconditioners.
  • Aztec: Parallel iterative solvers and preconditioners.
  • PetSC: MPI-based toolkit for parallel PDE solution.
  • Metis: Graph and mesh partitioning, both sequential and parallel.
  • FFTW: Fastest Fourier Transform in the West.
  • ARPACK: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of sparse matrices, sequential and parallel.


Combinatorial scientific computing

  • Bruce Hendrickson's talk combinatorial scientific computing.