Package agl2.alg

Adaptive Graph Library algorithms


Interface Summary
GraphVisitor The GraphVisitor description.

Class Summary
AbstractGraphVisitor The AbstractGraphVisitor description.
AllPaths The AllPaths description.
BreadthFirstSearch The BreadthFirstSearch description.
ConnectedComponents The ConnectedComponents description.
DepthFirstSearch Perform DepthFirstSearch on a graph.
ExistsPath The ExistsPath description.
MinimumSpanningTree The MinimumSpanningTree is a set of edges that connects all the vertices in the graph where the total weight of the edges in the tree is minimized.
MultiVisitor The MultiVisitor description.
ShortestPath The ShortestPath description.
StrongComponents The StrongComponents description.
TopologicalSort Generate the TopologicalSort of a directed graph.

Package agl2.alg Description

Adaptive Graph Library algorithms

Provides generic algorithms for graph types.
Kristian G. Kvilekval, 25 Aug 2002