CS 48, Spring 2018

Group Project


Attend class and become part of a group.
Project groups will be formed during the first week of classes.
You must attend your discussion section on Friday, April 6 to be eligible.

Select a project - with your group.
First see the Project Rules.
By the way, there's no time to wait! Your group's first Progress Report, on Wednesday April 11, must include a project description and a system title.

Group Assignments (50 percent of course grade)

Progress Reports (8 percent)
Due almost every Wednesday: both orally in lecture, and a written report

Requirements Analysis (10 percent)
Due Friday, April 20

Draft Project (10 percent) - includes system and documentation
Due Friday, May 18

System Demonstrations (2 percent)
Randomly scheduled over two lectures, June 4 and 6

Final Project (20 percent) - improved system and documentation

Teamwork Credit (25 percent of course grade)

We want all students to earn all of this teamwork credit. That means we want each of you to be a respectful, considerate, helpful, earnest and hard-working member of your project group. As your fellow group members are in the best position to judge whether or not you satisfy these goals, they will help determine how much of this credit you earn.

At the end of the quarter, you will be given an opportunity to recommend that less than full credit should be awarded to any of your fellow group members. This teamwork credit recommendation form may only be submitted from Friday, June 8, through Tuesday, June 12 (the form is inactive at other times).

We strongly urge you to avoid the need to make any recommendations at all - in that case, you implicitly recommend that all group members earn the full credit. Please try your best to solve teamwork problems by discussing them, by compromising as necessary, and by whatever other teamwork skills you have learned. Consider submitting a recommendation to be a "last resort" measure, only in cases that truly cannot be solved a better way.

Your recommendations will be seriously considered when grades are assigned, but they are not binding.

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