Divyakant Agrawal
Distinguished Professor & Chair
The Leadership Endowed Chair in CS
3117 Harold Frank Hall
Ph.D. Computer Science, SUNY at Stony Brook
BE (Hons) Electrical Engineering, BITS, India
Campus Affiliations
1995-1996 Vice-chair, Graduate Council
2009- Director of Engineering Computing Infrastructure, College of Engineering
2011-2012 Vice-chair, Graduate Council
2012-2013 Chair, Graduate Council
2023 - Chair, Computer Science
Off-Campus Affiliations
1993 Visiting Scientist, IBM Almaden Research Center
1997-2009 Senior Visiting Research Scientist, NEC Research Laboratories of America
2006-2007 VP, Data Solutions and Advertising Systems, ASK.com
2013-2014 Visiting Scientist, Advertising Infrastructure Group, Google
1980 Gold Medal, BITS, Pilani (India)
2002 Best Paper, IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering
2010 ACM Distinguished Scientist
2011 Outstanding Graduate Mentor, Academic Senate, UCSB
2011 Best Paper (runner-up), IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management
2012 IEEE Fellow
2012 ACM Fellow
2012 William Mong Fellow, Hong Kong University
Research Areas
Database and Information Systems
Operating Systems and Distributed Systems