The Center for Cybersecurity has been created at UCSB to foster research on Internet security and support collaboration and sharing of ideas between UCSB faculty and industrial partners. In this event, several faculty members who are affiliates of the Center for Cybersecurity present their research in security and discuss their approach with members of the industry.

Plato's two millennia old refrain "Let no one ignorant of geometry enter" may sound decidedly quaint and outdated today, but geometric methods remain an unparalleled mathematical and computational tool in today's pursuit of science and engineering. The need for sophisticated geometric models and reasoning is stronger than ever due a growing adoption of computational and combinatorial methods in science and engineering, coupled with mobile and embedded sensing, spatial data models, location-aware services, and networks of autonomous intelligent robots.

INARC@UCSB is performing foundational research on network science, leading to a fundamental understanding of the interaction among the social/cognitive, information, and communication networks. Network science is a new and emerging scientific discipline that examines the interconnections among diverse physical or engineered networks, information networks, biological networks, cognitive and semantic networks, and social networks. This field of science seeks to discover common principles, algorithms and tools that govern network behavior.

The Center for Responsible Machine Learning is UC Santa Barbara's new commitment to advancing academic excellence in the areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. A unique emphasis of the goal of this center is to tie cutting-edge research in AI with important societal impacts. We are particularly interested in studying challenging problems in algorithmic fairness, bias, transparency, explainability, and accountability of AI algorithms.

The Foundations of Financial Technology Lab carries research along two principal tracks: Distributed Systems and Decentralized Finance. The first track develops systems for decentralized, hybrid off-blockchain / on-blockchain shared state. The second track revolves around the intersection between decentralized finance and society.