DARPA Selects UCSB Led Team for the HARDEN Program

A UCSB led team was one of the eight teams selected by DARPA for the Hardening Development Toolchains Against Emergent Execution Engines (HARDEN) program. HARDEN program's goal is "to create practical tools that will prevent exploitation of integrated computing systems by disrupting the patterns of robust, reliable exploits used by attackers, and depriving the attackers of emergent execution engines."
The UCSB project is titled: "EMERGENCY: A Unified Framework for Discovering, Modeling, Analyzing & Mitigating Adversarial Emergent Computations." The PIs for the project are Professors Tevfik Bultan (lead), Yu Feng, Christopher Kruegel, and Giovanni Vigna from UCSB, and Professors Aravind Machiry (UCSB CS alumnus) and Milind Kulkarni from Purdue.